Monday, March 19, 2012

The Hobbit Pub Saved

It seems the Southampton's The Hobbit pub has avoided expensive rebranding after The Saul Zaentz Company had sent them a cease and desist legal notice. As I predicted was possible, the company has decided on a very generous license agreement with the pub to allow them to continue to use The Hobbit name and imagery.

Film producer Paul Zaentz has told the [Daily] Echo he does not necessarily want to remove all reference to Tolkien's work and "certainly doesn't want to run anyone out of business."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Personal Hobbit Holes Now Available

If you have $2000 to $3000 burning a whole in your pocket, then a Hobbit Hole might be up your alley. The small buildings with round doorways are inspired by the Lord of the Rings films but made at a much smaller scale. Essentially they are the equivilant of the mini-houses for kids that some people had when I was growning up that made for useful (if expensive) forts for play. For the details, click here. (via i09)
Hobbit™ Holes for Work or Play! Playhouses, Garden Sheds, Cottages, Chicken Coops, More!
You'll find made-in-Maine quality craftsmanship in every Hobbit Hole built. A wide range of customization options lets you choose a truly one of a kind product that perfectly fits your needs and desires. Or buy one of our products on Etsy that are already built and ready for delivery!

McKellen Comments on Hobbit Pub Controversary

Tuesday news broke that Hollywood based Saul Zaentz Company has decided to exercise some of its movie rights on The Lord of the Rings in other places around the world by siccing lawyers on any place that makes use of the term "Hobbit" or anything related to Middle-Earth. The company tells the BCC it is exercising its "exclusive worldwide rights to motion picture, merchandising, stage and other rights in certain literary works of JRR Tolkien including The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit."

One of its victims is a Southampton, UK pub called "The Hobbit" that has been around for more than 20 years, pre-dating the movies. The letter is demanding that the pub remove all references to Tolkien’s work, effectively shutting down the pub as they can't afford the costly rebranding costs. As Stephen Fry comments, "Honestly, sometimes I'm ashamed of the business I'm in. What pointless, self-defeating bullying." Sadly the pub is just one of many places worldwide receiving these notices. Today, Sir Ian McKellen offered his own perspective on the controversy in his blog. It turns out "Gandalf" also sides with the pub.
Gandalf's portrait hangs outside The Hobbit pub in Portswood, Southampton UK and has done for the last 20 years and more. I haven't been there but it's clearly not a place to ill-treat hobbits, elves, dwarves and wizards, in any way. So what's the problem? There hasn't been one until recently. Nor at Gandalf's Night Club in District Six CapeTown. Nor at The Hungry Hobbit, "a sandwich bar based near the author's childhood home," according to The Guardian.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Viggo Mortensen Performs for LOTR Crowd

Aragorn himself, Viggo Mortensen, surprised the audience at the screening of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King by teaching and performing his cornonation song that was in the film. The entire trilogy was screened at the Coolidge Theatre in honor of Viggo who recieved the Coolidge Award. Details here, videos below.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Cumberbatch on Working on The Hobbit

The Hobbit's Benedict Cumberbatch spoke with MTV about his deal roles of Smaug the Dragon and the Necromancer last Sunday. It revealed nothing about the story but he commented on the voice work and getting a chance to work with Peter Jackson and his Sherlock co-star Martin Freeman. The video is below.
"I was very lucky [to work] with Pete," Cumberbatch told us at Elton John's Oscar-viewing party. "As far as the experience, what an extraordinary one it was because at the time I was in my work; I was in isolation with him and this incredible tag team. And at the very cool place with that technology doing mo-cap for two characters, Smaug the dragon and another character, which will remain nameless, and it was an awful lot of fun."

Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Hobbit Production Video #6

Peter Jackson has posted the first The Hobbit Production Video for 2012 (but sixth total). The video is part 2 of the on location shooting around New Zealand as production moved on from Hobbiton. It gives you a good look at all the characters in their character makeup including the Dwarves and Bilbo. Also amazing to see the wide variety of locations that can be repurposed for the two Hobbit movies over the next two years. In addition Andy Serkis (Gollum) is back, but now in the role of 2nd unit director. Amazingly, despite showing off these beautiful locations, it reveals essentially nothing about the movies story details.
Video #1 | Video #2 | Video #3 | Video #4 | Video #5