Today a press conference was held that brought together to core cast of The Hobbit for the first time. The cast of 14 will comprise the 13 dwarves that join Bilbo Baggins on his adventure through Middle-Earth. The conference did not include Peter Jackson who is on doctored ordered bed rest as he recovers from recent surgery. The low key conference was about the pre-production prep the actors are going through with costumes, makeup and the like. Below are a few highlights but best to read the full summary from
The One Ring and the full video of the conference (38 minutes long) can be found
here. Cast photo via
Bleeding Cool.
Dwarf actors William Kirchner and Peter Hambleton spoke on that: “We are thirteen distinct and strong personalities – but we are an ensemble as well”. Speaking of ensemble, the dwarves confirmed they’d be doing their own singing. “It’s all staying very close to the book – yes, there WILL be singing.”
The dwarves apparently all look very different. Aidan Turner, or Fili, said that they were still experimenting with different amounts of facial hair to define their look. “Facial hair is under review – hence the different beards we’ve got today!” Jed Brophy, or Nori, (who played numerous highly- prostheticised characters in LOTR) said that yes, he [and we presume the others] would be recognisable. “I’m so happy to be me. And I hope to get through this film without dying. Horribly.”
The Kiwi actors talked about meeting and working with international stars like Martin Freeman, Ken Stott or James Nesbitt. Mark Hadlow (Dori): “It’s an amazing experience as a theatre actor, when you’ve been an admirer for years, as I have been, of Ken Stott’s work on stage and screen…to meet with him and get to talk about all the things that we share, has been extraordinary.”
Martin Freeman (Bilbo) was simply hilarious. He spoke a little more seriously about how he had spent time watching Ian Holm’s performances as Bilbo. “Of course I’ve been looking at what he’s been doing…I need to look at it and then forget it, in a sense, though. I look at what he does with his voice and movement…Without trying to blow my own trumpet nor with too much false modesty, I think I’m quite a good match for him. I have to try to echo and give a nod to what he’s done, but still be me.”
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