Friday, July 24, 2009

Hobbit Script Update

Peter Jackson has provided an update to the status of the Hobbit script while at the San Diego Comic-Con to promote his upcoming movie District 9 according to Hero Complex.
He's still working on the script for the first of the two "Hobbit" films (set to be directed by Guillermo del Toro), which is about three weeks away from being delivered to the studio. He said despite the fact that people assume the film is greenlighted, "that's not really true. It has to be shot for a particular budget and the studio has to be comfortable with that and they have to like the script. So, there is a process involved and we're about to go into that process. Once we've got the script, we can then budget and schedule it and at that point we can go out and cast the movie. Everybody thinks we're casting it secretly and we're talking to people, which is not true either. We haven't offered any actor a role yet because they always ask to see the script, obviously, and you can't offer an actor a role until you've got dates that you can tell them when you need them. We kind of have to get the script down so the machinery can roll. The casting will begin in a couple of months."
For more on Jackson's other projects, click here.

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