Monday, November 29, 2010

Hobbit 3D, McKellen, Freeman, Hobbiton Updates

A few odds and ends have cropped up over the weekend regarding The Hobbit. Not really "new" news but more of an update on existing information such as further confirmation that The Hobbit films will be in 3D, Ian McKellen is still game to reprise Gandalf, Martin Freeman has begun prep for role of Bilbo Baggins, and Hobbiton nears completion. reports that Peter Jackson has settled on using the EPIC camera for use in filming when production starts in February by ordering 30 of the very expensive cameras. "The Hobbit will be amongst the first productions in the world to use the EPIC and at least thirty cameras will be required by the 3D production," explained RED founder Jim Jannard in a forum post. I don't know enough about these things to consider it anything other than trivia but it does prove that Jackson is committed to making both films in real 3D.

In the next issue of Total Film, a new look on the set construction of Hobbiton. I had thought the set was completed but it’s possible that this is part of the expansion and strengthening of the underground Hobbit homes since Hobbit on will remain a standing tourist attraction once filming completes.

Martin Freeman provided a brief update in regards to prepping for the role of Bilbo Baggins saying "“I’ve had wig, feet, ears,” he revealed at the Evening Standard theatre awards on Sunday. “Full steam ahead for me to look like Bilbo.”

Sir Ian McKellen's official website has a new entry for 2010 indicating that he has been cast as Gandalf for the two Hobbit films. This is the closest so far to official confirmation that he has signed on to the film. Previously he has been a cheerleader of the films and consistently shown a desire to reprise the role but MGM and the actor boycott meant he had not yet signed a contract and expressed doubt that he would be able to if future projects created a schedule conflict. This update seems to indicate that is no longer an issue and he is prepped to once again be the beard.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shore Returns to Middle-Earth

Academy Award winning composer Howard Shore is returning to Middle=Earth to score The Hobbit for Peter Jackson in an interview in The Province. Shore was the composer for The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The interview was part of a promotion for next week's performance of his score from the trilogy by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. (via One Ring)
And now it looks like Shore is going back to Middle Earth with Rings director Peter Jackson. The long-awaited two-part movie adaptation of Tolkien's The Hobbit is in the works.

"We've talked about making these movies for many years, at least since 2002," Shore says.

"It looks like finally it's going to be happening. I'll be working on it for the next three years -- it's going to consume a lot of my time and work now."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Freeman Ready for The Hobbit

In a recent interview, Martin Freeman, recently anointed as Bilbo Baggins for The Hobbit films, said he is ready to go in the role. He also provided some clarification on the scheduling conflict that had been a barrier between him taking the role and the second season of Sherlock. Below is a highlight from The One Ring with the full translated interview here.
“I know my work plan” says Freeman. “I start in January, then I’ll have a break in the summer so I can shoot the second season of Sherlock, the BBC show where I portray Watson, and then I’ll be back in New Zealand in September in order to finish the movie by the end of the year”. The Englishman says summer because he’s thinking about the northern hemisphere seasons, but it will be winter in New Zealand.

“I wasn’t a fan of Tolkien before, I am now. A couple of weeks ago, I tried Bilbo’s hairy feet for the first time, and also the ears, although mine are big enough already, and the hair too. Moreover, they made molds out of those parts of my body since I’m going to be using prosthetics for many months. How did I look? Really different… but I’m ready to be Bilbo.”

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hobbit Actor Boycott Post Mortem

The Hollywood Reporter has a post-mortem on the two month battle that occurred between The Hobbit and the worldwide actor guilds that resulted in a financial bonus for Warner Bros and actually made it more difficult for actors to unionize. Overall their theories match up with many of the issues I had with the boycott but still misses a few points.

THR's theories come down to a few points:
- New Zealand Actors Equity (NZAE) never established while the boycott was necessary and what their actions would do to improve things for actors.
- The legal issue was never addressed. NZAE said unionizing the Hobbit was legal, the gov't and others didn't believe so.
- No local support from actors, the industry and the public.
- Using an Australian as spokesperson for the beginning of the boycott.
- Ignoring New Zealand's love of Peter Jackson.
- Mismanagement from a public relations perspective.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Hobbiton Set Pics

The One Ring's Ashley has posted up a flickr gallery from the set of Hobbiton in New Zealand. The set construction is nearly complete with many different dwellings built into the hillside. Click here to view the whole set.

Update: No idea why but The One Ring pulled the Hobbiton pic article, I guess because the person with the pictures pulled down their flickr gallery.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Two Join The Hobbit Cast

The cast of The Hobbit has added to new additions in the form of James Nesbitt and Adam Brown per an official press release from New Line Cinema and Peter Jackson.
Nesbitt will play Bofur, a disarmingly forthright, funny and occasionally brave Dwarf. “James’s charm, warmth and wit are legendary as is his range as an actor in both comedic and dramatic roles. We feel very lucky to be able to welcome him as one of our cast.” said director Peter Jackson.

Newcomer, Adam Brown will play Ori, another of the Dwarf Company which sets out to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the infamous dragon, Smaug. Jackson comments, “Adam is a wonderfully expressive actor and has a unique screen presence. I look forward to seeing him bring Ori to life”.

Nesbitt and Brown will join the cast announced on October 21, which includes Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage (soon to appear in Captain America: The First Avenger), Aidan Turner (TV’s Being Human), Rob Kazinsky (TVs EastEnders), Graham McTavish (Secretariat), John Callen (TV’s Power Rangers Jungle Fury), Stephen Hunter (TV’s All Saints), Mark Hadlow (King Kong) and Peter Hambleton (TV’s The Strip).