- Had auditioned for Azog but lost to another actor. Later was cast for it and filmed scenes on weekends while filming the final 3 scenes of Spartacus.
- Was still filming Azog scenes 4 weeks before world premiere of movie.
- Conan Stevens, actor he replaced, was recast as Bolg the son of Azog. The character will appear in the next two films. "Recast" is kind of wrong because really the CGI designs of the characters were swapped by Jackson so Bolg actor kept the same character design with different name.
- When cast, watched The Empire Strikes Back and Jaws to "to get a voice as sinister as Darth Vader and the menacing physicality of the shark."
- Never met any of the other The Hobbit actors until premiere.
- Name the fake warg he rode "Daisy"
- Does think he will have any additional scenes of the extended edition of An Unexpected Journey when released around Christmas.
- Has not seen the scripts for future Azog scenes but was told by Peter Jackson that the character would be built up over the next two films.
So long as he gets killed by Dain I don't care! :P